Poems, Imitations & Translations


The Zero Suite (2023)

[all photographs: Bronwyn Lloyd]

The Zero Suite


i.m. Zero Tolerance Lloyd-Ross
(c. November 2007-21st April 2023)

  1. Give blood (26/1-7/2/08)
  2. Zero at the Bone (12-15/3/08)
  3. April Fool’s Day (1/4-18/6/09)
  4. Returning to Auckland after Dark (6/9-1/10/13)
  5. A Traveller on the Road to Emmaus (2/1-29/8/16)
  6. Zero is lying down today (18/1/16-22/10/17)
  7. New Year 2016 (19/1/16-19/10/17)
  8. Last night the heat got (28/1/16-7/5/17)
  9. What to do till the sentinels come (11-23/4/18)
  10. All I want (2/9/22-8/4/23)
  11. Catullus 101 (12/9/22-28/5/23)

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